
Famous Quotations

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«And for the sides of the tabernacle westward thou shalt make six boards.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: boards, westward
«And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the ceiling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.»
«And he made boards for the tabernacle; twenty boards for the south side southward: / And forty sockets of silver he made under the twenty boards; two sockets under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets under another board for his two tenons.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: boards, sockets, southward, south side
«And for the other side of the tabernacle, which is toward the north corner, he made twenty boards, / And their forty sockets of silver; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: boards, sockets
«And he made bars of shittim wood; five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle, / And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle for the sides westward.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: boards, shittim, westward
«And for the sides of the tabernacle westward he made six boards.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: boards, westward
«And for the second side of the tabernacle on the north side there shall be twenty boards: / And their forty sockets of silver; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: boards, north side, sockets
«And every wise hearted among you shall come, and make all that the LORD hath commanded; / The tabernacle, his tent, and his covering, his taches, and his boards, his bars, his pillars, and his sockets, / The ark, and the staves thereof, with the mercy seat, and the vail of the covering, / The table, and his staves, and all his vessels, and the shewbread, / The candlestick also for the light, and his furniture, and his lamps, with the oil for the light, / And the incense altar, and his staves, and the anointing oil, and the sweet incense, and the hanging for the door at the entering in of the tabernacle, / The altar of burnt offering, with his brasen grate, his staves, and all his vessels, the laver and his foot, / The hangings of the court, his pillars, and their sockets, and the hanging for the door of the court, / The pins of the tabernacle, and the pins of the court, and their cords, / The cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest's office.»
«And he made boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood, standing up.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: boards, shittim
«And he built twenty cubits on the sides of the house, both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar: he even built them for it within, even for the oracle, even for the most holy place.»