
Famous Quotations

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Florence Henderson Quotes

«I love the gay community. Naturally having been in this business since I was 17, I came into contact with gay people very young in my life. To me they were always the most talented, the kindest, they have the most wicked senses of humor - I always felt comfortable. I was never threatened, ever, and I just embraced them and loved them.»
«I still get so much fan mail addressed to Carol Brady, and I think a lot of it's through the Net. And I always answer it, if it's legible.»
«I started in live television and I've done a lot of live TV and that's really the thing that I love best. I love flying by the seat of my pants.»
«I'm a '70s mom, and my daughter is a '90s mom. I know a lot of women my age who are real computer freaks.»
«I played Carol as the mother I always wished I had, as the mother a lot of people wished they had,»
«Carol Brady allows me to come in the door and for people to feel comfortable and go, 'Oh, I know her. She's a nice lady,' ... Then they find out I'm a little different than Carol and they get to know Florence. I think it's a wonderful gift.»
«I've been at every reunion. I said, 'They'll be wheeling me out when I'm 105.' I'll still be working then, ... I'm planning to be the female George Burns.»
«There's an old Chinese proverb that says the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. If a woman can make simple pledges to change the small things, she's well on her way to leading a fuller, healthier life.»
«I live on a boat, which is in the midst of renovation... I figure the good Lord will put me in the right place and hopefully I'll have the right clothes on. I think what we're going to do is bring the boat through the Panama Canal. My husband has always wanted to do that. So I think we'll do that and have the boat in Florida for the winter.»
«My goal has always been to be like a female George Burns. Having had the opportunity to work with him so many times, especially at the end of his life, I felt so inspired by him all the time. I totally agreed with him. We would talk about how lucky we were to find something that we loved when we were kids and to just grow more in love with it as time goes on.»