
Famous Quotations

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Wayne Gretzky Quotes

«It's a chance for these players to get together and become a team.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky
«His records speak for themselves. He's a consummate professional.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky
«If this is not decided in the next few days, I'm scared we could be looking at a year, a year and a half, two years, not just three months like a lot of people thought in September. From April to October, the players don't get paid, so I can't see us coming to an agreement in August or September. If we don't find a way to make everyone who is part of this sort of happy and get a deal done, we could be looking at a long, long time before hockey is played in the NHL and that's very alarming too. I hope in the next couple of weeks we can come to an agreement.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky
«The team is not for sale. If it was for sale I would tell you guys, but it's not. There's really no truth to the story at all.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky
«In the end I was really torn between wanting to do it and concern for my mom. I love the game so much, and I have so much respect for Bob (Nicholson), but in the end, it kept coming back to my mom.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky
«The tough part now is that we're in a different situation than we were in 2002. We just missed one full season and I know there's probably some concerns from owners, probably more in the United States, in the sense of getting started again and trying to build that enthusiasm for the National Hockey League again and then having to shut it down for 17 days.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky
«We're here for a little bit of a tour for four or five days, just to get together and kind of talk about the season. The players everybody is talking about are all playing well, and decisions are very difficult. No matter what we do, there is going to be a controversy.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky
«It showed a tremendous amount of class on his part to call. I'm disappointed he's not going to be there. He takes a lot of pressure off our guys, it's a changing off the guard a little bit.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky
«When I got the call the other day, I was disappointed for Mario. I was disappointed for the people of Canada. His personal health is more important than a hockey tournament.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky
«You don't replace Mario. He takes so much pressure off players in the locker room. People don't realize that unless you're one of the players.»
Author: Wayne Gretzky