Essay Database

Silverfish Insect

Date Submitted: 06/12/2004 20:43:29
Category: / Science & Technology / Zoology
Length: 1 pages (320 words)
Essay about Silverfish Insect She liked it John Smith 3-22-97 3rd Period NAME OF INSECT: Silverfish HABITAT AND RANGE: Silverfish normally live outdoors under rocks, bark and leaf mold, in the nests of birds and mammals, and in ant and termite nests. However, many are found in houses and are considered a pest, or at least a nuisance, by homeowners. Usually they are found trapped in a bathtub, sink, or washbasin. DIET: The Silverfish …
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…of their slow development rate and the small number of eggs laid. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: Silverfish sometimes feed on book binding and the paste that holds on wall paper causing damage to many houses. IS IT A SOCIAL INSECT? Yes I think that the Silverfish is social because it lives in colonies. 3 INTERESTING FACTS: Some can live up to one year with out food, some can live up to eight years, can jump up to 1 1/2 feet
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