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Marketing Law Case: French Perfume Manufacturer v Green Valley Cosmetics with regards to breach of Trade marks Act, passing off and business secret

Date Submitted: 09/10/2006 01:46:07
Category: / Science & Technology / Transportation
Length: 5 pages (1430 words)
PART B French Perfume Manufacturer v Green Valley Cosmetics French perfume manufacturer company might have claims against Green Valley Cosmetics in this matter under these possible actions. 1.<Tab/>Trade Marks Act 1995 The French company has registered its name "Fleur de Soleil" under the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth). The English translation of the name is "Sunflower." This registration of perfumery will be under the TM classification of goods and services CLASS 3, which …
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…secret against company or personnel leaked the information to Green Valley Ltd, on the ground that this marketing information is capable of amounting to confidential information in this particular circumstance and have a great commercial value to the company as well as causing big damages if it is leaked. However, this will not be relevant in this report since we do not know the person or company that exposed such information to Green Valley Ltd.
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