Essay Database

Jimi Hendrix and His Life Accomplishments

Date Submitted: 12/24/2002 09:08:43
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Music
Length: 5 pages (1313 words)
<Tab/>Jimi Hendrix was one of the most influential and talented musicians of the 20th century, and through his work he made rock music what it is today. His talent with a guitar was what made him so popular in his own time. The reason he became a rock and roll legend in the 20th century was because of his new style, outrageous performances and his powerful lyrics which captivated his …
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…a Bang." New York Times. October 6 <Tab/><Tab/>2001, :A20 "Time Line". Jimi Hendrix Online Archive. <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><> (3 December, 2003)
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